Bayesian Correlated t-test

Module correlated_ttest in bayesiantests can be used to perform the correlated t-test on the performance of two classifiers that have been assessed by $m$-runs of $k$-fold cross-validation on the same dataset

This notebook demonstrates the use of the module.

We will load the classification accuracies of the naive Bayesian classifier (NBC) and AODE on the dataset Anneal from the file Data/nbc_anneal.csv and Data/aode_anneal.csv. The classifiers have been evaluated by 10-runs of 10-fold cross-validation.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
Acc_nbc =  np.loadtxt('Data/nbc_anneal.csv',  delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
Acc_aode = np.loadtxt('Data/aode_anneal.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
names = ("AODE", "NBC")
#we consider the difference of accuracy scaled in (0,1)

Functions in the module accept the following arguments.

  • x: a 2-d array with scores of two models (each row corresponding to a data set) or a vector of differences.
  • rope: the region of practical equivalence. We consider two classifiers equivalent if the difference in their performance is smaller than rope.
  • runs: number of repetitions of cross validation
  • names: the names of the two classifiers; if x is a vector of differences, positive values mean that the second (right) model had a higher score.
  • verbose: when True the functions also prints out the probabilities

In [2]:
import bayesiantests as bt
left, within, right = bt.correlated_ttest(x, rope=rope,runs=10,verbose=True,names=names)

P(AODE > NBC) = 0.9542966354882696, P(rope) = 0.04570306097263277, P(NBC > AODE) = 3.0353909763469744e-07

We can also plot the posterior distribution.

In [15]:
import warnings
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as snb
#generate samples from posterior (it is not necesssary because the posterior is a Student)
samples=bt.correlated_ttest_MC(x, rope=rope,runs=10,nsamples=50000)
#plot posterior
snb.kdeplot(samples, shade=True) 
#plot rope region
#add label
plt.xlabel('Nbc-Aode on Anneal dataset');

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f5cfbd42b00>

We will load the classification accuracies of NBC and AODE on the dataset Audiology from the file. The classifiers have been evaluated by 10-runs of 10-fold cross-validation.

In [8]:
import numpy as np
Acc_nbc =  np.loadtxt('Data/nbc_audiology.csv',  delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
Acc_aode = np.loadtxt('Data/aode_audiology.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
names = ("AODE", "NBC")
diff=(Acc_nbc-Acc_aode)/100.0 #we consider the difference of accuracy scaled in (0,1)

In [3]:
import bayesiantests as bt
left, within, right = bt.correlated_ttest(diff, rope=rope,runs=10,verbose=True,names=names)

P(AODE > NBC) = 0.08214267577999079, P(rope) = 0.9085092663989454, P(NBC > AODE) = 0.009348057821063849

In [16]:
import warnings
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as snb
#generate samples from posterior (it is not necesssary because the posterior is a Student)
samples=bt.correlated_ttest_MC(diff, rope=rope,runs=10,nsamples=50000)
#plot posterior
snb.kdeplot(samples, shade=True) 
#plot rope region
#add label
plt.xlabel('Nbc-Aode on Audiology dataset');

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f5cfbe11978>


@ARTICLE{bayesiantests2016, author = {{Benavoli}, A. and {Corani}, G. and {Demsar}, J. and {Zaffalon}, M.}, title = "{Time for a change: a tutorial for comparing multiple classifiers through Bayesian analysis}", journal = {ArXiv e-prints}, archivePrefix = "arXiv", eprint = {1606.04316}, url={}, year = 2016, month = jun }

@article{corani2015a, year = {2015}, volume = {100}, number = {2}, journal = {Machine Learning}, doi = {10.1007/s10994-015-5486-z}, title = {{A Bayesian approach for comparing cross-validated algorithms on multiple data sets}}, publisher = {Springer US}, author = {Corani, Giorgio and Benavoli, Alessio}, pages = {285--304}, url = {} }

In [ ]: